Thursday, May 29, 2008

OrphanAid Africa

We have been in Ayenyah Village, Ghana, for 2 weeks now and have many stories to share with you. Our power system and internet connection is illustrated below, so I hope you will bear with us as we take advantage of any days with strong wind or sun to get caught up on our blog entries.

Working with Mama Lisa (pictured below) has been incredible. She came to Ghana eight years ago, leaving a very successful career as a publisher to start OrphanAid Africa (formerly Orphanage Africa). She has taken both of us under her wing. Every day we wake up with a new challenge (fixing the solar panels, designing water systems, researching health insurance) and every night we celebrate our successes and lament the challenges over a beer or bottle of wine. This woman is absolutely amazing.
Why we are here. Little John Paul (2 years old) pictured with Denise.

The Guest House. Evelyn's food is the best we've had in Ghana.

1 comment:

Laura Olson said...

The blog and pics are amazing you guys. Keep up the good work in Africa - can't wait to hear all the stories in person in July!